Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Fog of War

Well my sister, my girlfriend and many other important people have blogs and I realized that it would be such a simple way for me to write down my encounters on both the physical and spiritual battlefields! 

Mission Statement:

To write down the important issues that life throws my way. To find God in those situations and share them above all else with the world that reads this.

The readers support:

It is your job to read, enjoy and even make comments!  Especially if God finds a way to bless you in these writings!

Life on a Battlefield!  What a title right?  I thought so!  It has many deep and profound meanings for me!  As a Volunteer Soldier in the United States Army I face many different versions of a battlefield.  Whether the battle is raging in Afghanistan, Iraq or on the Drill floor it is none the less brutal.  A soldiers life is always a mixture of hurry up and wait with a dose of uncertainty mixed in.  We never know whats around that next corner but are constantly preparing for it!  Then there is the battlefield of a soldiers family life.  The constant deploying and leaving the family behind or even the simple one weekend a month, two weeks a summer that puts stress on the best of relationships.  Its hard to explain to the families that we are just as lost with out them as they are us.   The Army doesn't give us field manuals on how to tell your family you are going to war.  And just for giggles, throw in to the mix a job that is trying to keep your job open for your return all while having the understanding and patience with your unit so they don't hate you. Then picture the soldier a thousand miles from home. Away from all his comforts trying just to make it through the day. Add the exposure to the extreme weather conditions and that in itself is a battlefield.  Recently however a relationship that I have been apart of has shown me a completely different battlefield.  that is the spiritual battlefield.  Someone to do battle with spiritually speaking.  A soldier in Christ must have a battle buddy so to speak.  Someone to fight Satan with, to encourage or to be encouraged by.  This is a completely different battlefield and requires a different set of skills.  God has shown me how to be a warrior in the flesh and all my friends know that I would fight for each and everyone of them.  Spiritually however he is showing me something new every day on how to combat the devil but more importantly how to fight along side of a comrade with enough gusto as to win the day for you and me!  For me, a battlefield comes in all shapes and sizes and everyone of them is unique, both in how they are fought and what can be learned from them.  Some battles are quickly fought while others require much more time and long suffering and yet others still will never be resolved or technically won.  Despite the outcomes, every battle can be seen as a victory when the ultimate Goal is centered on the horizon.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Deuteronomy 31:6


  1. I don't know if the honor of the first comment should have gone to your sister of your girlfriend, but I just have to say this before I forget: Thank you. Thank you for fighting for us, in every sense of the word!

    I look forward to future posts.

  2. I second that! - and might i add what a fabulous title for your blog. You are a wonderful warrior for Him.
