Friday, June 7, 2013

A Quiet Moment

7 June 2013

As I drove to work, a song played on the radio that struck me in the core of my faith.  It began to really describe what faith can truly be like.

  Imagine your life and everything in it. You have everything you could possibly want.  Would you be happy?  Of course you would.  It's hard to frown on a sea-doo.

  Now take away everything.  Your family, your friends, everything that you found meaning and happiness, POOF! GONE!!!   Would you be happy now? 

  In the song this morning, Casting Crowns sang about a world that struggles to find its happiness.  By using words and phrases like, "wipe the tears away", or "save the day", the band really tells a gut wrenching story of a life that is besiege by pain, anguish and hardship.  Through all of these descriptively dark emotions they weave a sole shimmer of Hope.   They use a commonly and sometime cliché verse from Job 1:21 to paint the picture.  "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised."   Can you tell me where to find hope in these words?  Your life went from everything to nothing.  Glory, honor, prestige are now emptiness, sadness, and despair.

  You see, it's easy to walk in your faith when life is beautiful, full of joy, and light. But, when clouds surround, stifling all joy, and choking out the light, can you tell me where your faith might be?  Most people's faith would be lost, little better then a dismal shadow that it once was.   Here is where the HOPE is!  God sits with you in that dark place. Waiting and watching to see what you do.  You see, it's in these moments where you are truly blessed.  It's just you and God now.  You have nowhere else to run or manufacture your joy.  Faith becomes the only strand to cling to.  It is in this test that the foundation of your faith develops, and blossoms. 

We can praise God in all the gifts and joys life has to offer. We must praise him all the more when life offers nothing.  For it's in that moment that our joy and promise is made complete!